Offshore wind

At the forefront of major international projects

Our team brings a unique, integrated perspective, expertise and set of tools to advising offshore wind developers, governments, sector enablers and the wider supply chain on strategic, technical and commercial matters. 

We take an active role helping stakeholders worldwide understand and engage in the offshore wind market. Our clients benefit from our experience in offshore wind project development and our knowledge of the needs and expectations of developers, financiers, governments and the supply chain, as well as our ability to judge how the offshore wind sector will evolve. 

We have significant experience in both bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind across markets in Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific. 

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The nascent offshore wind industry in New Zealand offers a unique
opportunity for collaboration between the UK government and its supply chain with their New Zealand counterparts. This partnership could aid in the successful establishment of the industry, benefitting not only New Zealand by fostering industry growth but also enabling the UK supply chain to actively participate in and contribute to the market as it evolves.

Download the report here.

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The combination of our multi-disciplined expertise and a unique set of tools including our ports and supply chain databases, market intelligence data, and GIS-based solutions, help us ensure buildable projects and industries. We specialise in the effective communication of concepts, quick and clear guidance on/for supply chain and markets, authoritative and collaborative approach to multi-discipline risks, and competent package management. 

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Our deep technical and commercial understanding combines macro-economics (including modelling of power markets and market/supply chain insight), with project specific assessments such as energy yield, CAPEX/OPEX, levelised cost of energy (LCoE), and technical and commercial due diligence. We bring everything together through financial models and investment cases. 

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Our scientists and stakeholder specialists are experts in navigating the regulatory environment, collecting, managing and interpreting relevant site data. In turn this influences and informs project design, delivering efficient, proportionate environmental impact assessment, achieving all the necessary environmental approvals and consents throughout the lifecycle of an infrastructure project. 


Our cross-disciplinary project development team provides independent advice and expert support for buildable, bankable and consentable projects that minimise environmental impact and promote sustainability.

We undertake an integrated, multi-disciplined approach to site selection using custom tools with proven success. With in-house teams associated with metocean and geophysical/geotechnical analysis, environmental science, stakeholder management, supply chain, market insights, and technology, we can progress through the project development lifecycle in a transparent and auditable manner with few interfaces. Our buildability and bankability teams supplement tried and test approaches to project risk management and decision making to explore installation, operation and maintenance strategies which will support the investment decision. With a dedicated energy yield analysis team and cables team, we are able to evaluate and optimise energy production, as well as get it to market. As a broad-based energy consultancy we are routinely also considering non-grid routes to market too, such as supply of energy to oil and gas, or the integration with hydrogen or a wider energy system. 


Our integrated teams provide ongoing environmental and regulatory compliance support in the discharge of consent conditions and implementation of monitoring strategies.

Our digital products such as XAMIN and eBase help us to help you understand the data flowing from your assets and the environment around and take efficient and cost-effective decisions. 


Decommissioning requires a multi-specialised team of scientists, engineers and consultants.

Our integrated decommissioning capability covers all aspects of decommissioning including subsea cables and structures, jackets, substations, turbines and onshore facilities We also offer practical knowledge and experience of working with international regulatory frameworks for decommissioning, cross-discipline technical safety and environmental support, integrity support and cost modelling/commercial expertise.

Louisiana Offshore Wind Supply Chain Assessment

Xodus Group, in collaboration with The Pew Charitable Trusts, Greater New Orleans Inc., the Southeastern Wind Coalition and Louisiana stakeholders, has produced this report to assess the industry landscape, supply chain, and workforce opportunities available to Louisiana in the offshore wind industry

Download the paper here.


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